Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6, 1944

Nearby town of Bayeaux

Normandy holds two places in my heart.  First, I visited last year and it left a deep impression on me about what went on on that day in June and how despite being cut down on that beach, the men, really just boys, still prevailed and conquered.  Second, I've been researching my family lineage and found that during the late 1500's early 1600's some of my relatives came from this very area.  It is hard to comprehend the beauty of the area with the evil that went on back in 1944.  Normandy beach is relatively untouched from what it was that day in June of 1944. 

Normandy Beach where lives were lost but freedom was gained.

German bunker at Normandy

American Cemetery, NormandyFrance.

Let's remember the young men who died that day, 66 years ago.

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